I write to touch my truth, tune to the wild earth, and express my gratitude for life.
As a nature poet, I immerse myself in the natural world, living simply, camping beside rivers and oceans to attune with earth’s rhythm. I find everything is alive and speaking to me in its native tongue, and I am humbled, inspired, transformed. Breathing and beating in tune with the wild earth is my kind of magic.
I want my poems to point us back to the essential ways of living where we find healing and wholeness in nature and community. I wish to be a voice that leads us out of consumption and competition and into creativity and connection. I imagine a world where we live in harmony and respect with the Earth and each other, grateful for our part in this wondrous web of interbeing.
Part incantation, part trail-guide, part ode to life, my poems are how I sing my way home. They are my invitation to take heart and belong in this wildly beautiful and often heartbreaking life of ours.